Prefácio: What's up, doc???

Cada dia que passa, aprender a língua inglesa tornar-se importante. Seja por questões de trabalho, de estudos ou pela própria onda de globalização, a verdade é que a língua inglesa ganha importância como uma língua franca, o latim do tempos contemporâneos. E como o estudante de Letras/Inglês se enquandra dentro deste novo mundo??? Com a velocidade e o volume cada vez mais crescente de informações, a sala de aula em se já não basta apenas local de aquisição de informações. Acompanhar as tendências que ajudem na sua formação implica hoje usar outros espaços e momentos. Para isso que surge este blog, como outro local onde os alunos de Letras/Inglês da UNEB (Campus 01) possam dividir e debater opiniões acerca dos temas do nosso curso.

agosto 28, 2008

Summary of “The Scarlet Letter”

The film “The Scarlet Letter” is an adaptation of the classic Hawthorne’s novel. It is the dramatic story about sin, love and dignity. Hester Prynne is married with Dr. Roger Prynne. She went to the colonial Boston of 17th Century (before your husband, that needs to continue in England), to restart his family’s life in colony of New World, without religious prejudice. When she lived alone, she hell in love with Arthr Dimmesdale, the young and idealist minister of the colony (who believes in the harmonic companionship of Indians and Europeans). At first, they choked the love. But, when Mrs. Prynne heard from a supposed notice about the death of your husband (that is captured by the another Indian’s tribe),they applied theirself to the love, although she was “officially” in deep mournig’s period and don’t got married yet. Well, she got pregnant and was convicted of adultery. After she stayed some months in the prison, she was condemned to wear a bright red “A” over her breast and to lived segregate of another settler because she don’t talk who is the father of your bastard child. She was forced to bear in a social ostracism, with a children jeered as she passed, other women avoided her, and clergymen pointed to her as a living example of the consequences of sin; but she surprised the townfolk with her air of aloof and silent dignity. In the middle times, Dr. Roger Prynne (now called Roger Chillingsworth) appear in the colony and decide to avenge of the adultery: He incrimed his wife as witch and kicked up a row between Indians and Europeans. Finally the Boston's Puritan and Civil leaders decided to sentence Mrs. Hester Prynne to the gallows, Dr. Roger suicide and the minister Dimmesdale admitted to his partnership in her sin the all people of Boston and surrendered to the Justice. In this instant, the Indian attacks the colony and kill many settler. Hester, Dimmesdale and his daughter Pearl scape the massacre. And they lived happy forever…

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